
Press Freedom Day,
spotlight on ethnic media

TORONTO – On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day 2023, an event dedicated to the ethnic press in Canada was held on Friday evening in the Toronto City Hall.

Representatives of the country’s main ethnic media participated in the initiative organized by the NEPMCC (National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada). Its membership includes Corriere Canadese, the only daily newspaper in Italian language throughout North America, in print, digital and web editions.

During the evening, in the presence of a large audience, special awards were presented to ethnic press. The Honourable Joe Volpe, Editor and President of the Italian newspaper accepted tan award on behalf of the Corriere.

The meeting between representatives of the ethnic press allowed the publishers to discuss the many issues affecting the sector.

In the pics: here above, the audience at the event; above, from left, Thomas S. Saras (NEPMCC Chair), Minister Kinga Surma, Tom Bijvoet, Dr. Tajdoladi and Tom Ruprecht; in the photos below, from left to right: Maria Saras-Voutsinas with Kinga Surma, Basilio Giordano and Tom Ruprecht; the editor of Corriere Canadese, Joe Volpe, with Alzira Lima, deputy editor-in-chief of the Correio Canadiano, and Katarina Homolova, Pierre Poilievre’s press officer for ethnic communities; Chris Campbell; Thomas S. Saras (photos by Raul Lima)

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