The Italian Air Force’s activity of disclosure of military data relating to sightings of unidentified flying objects is twenty years old. To remember it are the CUN (National UFO Center: and the CIFAS (Council of International Federation for Advanced Studies:, chaired respectively by Roberto Pinotti and Vladimiro Bibolotti (in the pics below, from right to left), who underline that “Italy in 2001 was the first country in the world to make publicly available” those data, which until then were ‘top secret’.
It was 1978 when the then Prime Minister, Giulio Andreotti, following the wave of sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) that occurred in that year, decided to designate the Air Force as the institutional body responsible for collecting, verifying and monitor UFO reports.
Currently this activity is carried out by the General Security Department of the Air Force Staff which has been making the collected data public since 2001. Not only that: anyone who wishes to report an event that can be correlated to an O.V.N.I. can do so using the forms in the appropriate section of the Air Force website (here: Aeronautica Militare – OVNI).
“This action – it is explained on the page – allows the Air Force to launch a technical investigation to identify the existence of a correlation with human events and / or natural phenomena which, if necessary, also involves other competent bodies present on the national territory . This activity is aimed at ensuring flight and national safety. Once the investigations have been completed, the episodes are published under Sightings on this page and, if it was not possible to identify a technical or natural justification, the episode is classified as a sighting of an Unidentified Flying Object “.
The page presents some tables that highlight the distribution of sightings in Italy from 2001 to 2021. “As regards the events prior to 2001 – explains the Air Force – a reordering of data for the purpose of a forthcoming publication”.
Meanwhile, in the United States the expectation is growing for the publication by the intelligence agencies of the report on UAP / UFO required by the law of authorization for intelligence activities. In this regard, the CUN and CIFAS, in applauding “the commendable commitment of transparency of the Italian Air Force”, hope “that the publication of the planned report in the United States may have significant consequences for the recognition of the phenomenon of UFOs”, and they are confident “that these consequences will be positively received in Italy as well ”.
In the pic at the top: the famous site of Roswell, in New Mexico
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