The Comment

Requiem for a Once Proud Liberal Party

TORONTO – Irrespective of perceived merit in holding one political view or another, the structure, the integrity of political Parties, their membership and their Leadership often speaks to the values held by the country writ large.

A mere two months ago, in mid-November 2024, just two weeks after the disastrous electoral defeat for Democrats in the USA, Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau “scored a triumph” of sorts. Republican, President-elect, Donald Trump – who Canada opposed and continues to do so – hosted him for dinner at Mar-a-Lago. Mr. Trump was, and is, still officially a private citizen.

Leading up to election day, through 2024, Mr. Trudeau did his utmost to signal [Canada’s] support the Biden/Harris Administration (Trump’s electoral adversary) – on the substance and the ideology of the campaign; essentially associating the Republicans and their nominee with authoritarian dispositions similar to tyrannical practices of the third world. A questionable strategy on the part of his Liberals, if indeed it was one, for a political machine once characterized by its unshakable adherence to pragmatism and practicality.

We do not know what Trudeau and Trump discussed over dinner, nor were we appraised of the preparations leading up to the visit. There had to be some, if for no other reason than Protocol would have demanded at least minimal explanation justifying the by-pass of the offices of the President and Vice-President to meet a private citizen on the matters of State.

Could it have ended up worse? Not really. Team Trudeau ballyhooed the event as a unique accomplishment.

Within days, “the narrative/plan” began to fall apart. Trump publicly and openly displayed his contempt for Canada’s PM, who, incidentally, was, and continues to be, so far behind in the polls that the Hubble Telescope can barely identify him in the distance. It is an inescapable conclusion that the first indication of Trump’s influence over the PM was an insistence that the [now] former Deputy Prime Minister/Finance Minister (DPM) not be part of the delegation to Mar-a- Lago. Trudeau complied.

Worse, what emerged was a plan to downgrade [Canada’s] DPM’s status and humiliate her publicly by demanding that she present a budget update in the House of Commons and accede to being replaced by a non-elected private citizen with no experience in government or constitutional authority to walk into the House of Commons on “Parliamentary business”. She declined to engage in self-flagellation or unassisted political suicide.

The wrecking crew in the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) decided to concentrate exclusively on tactics rather than on fulfilling obligations that flow from the privilege and responsibilities of Government. Hoping to stave off the inevitable, they convinced the PM to shuffle his Cabinet and forced the House Leader to literally “table” the budget update and adjourn the House until January 27, 2025, to avoid debate and potential defeat on a confidence vote.

To “cement the deal” the PM prorogued the House until a date when the Party could affirm his replacement. But, there is no Party, only a ghost apparatus with no connection to the public. Just as an example, the National Executive has no Italian Canadians or Portuguese Canadians (combined, they constitute 7% of the population). And, neither group is represented in Cabinet, which Team Trudeau shuffled just before adjourning the House and proroguing Parliament. Who will motivate those groups to vote Liberal in the upcoming election? No one.

In fact, growth of the entire membership base will be discouraged among all communities. In a move reminiscent of the “anti-instant Liberals” sentiment of the mid 1980s, the Party has conjured up a restrictive (non-inclusive) membership rule: prove you are a citizen or a permanent resident first! And, do it in the next two weeks.

As to candidates, they need to produce a downpayment of $350,000 as per Elections Canada rules, by January 27 (so far), or they are out. As of Saturday, several “high-profile” potential candidates have already backed out. They have too much work to do, they say.

How so? Trump has already said what he expects. There is no federal Canadian Government, and the one in the shadows has already earned the mistrust of the Democrats, who, by January 20, will be out of any significant Congressional post.

So much for the expectations of an appointment as Canadian  Ambassador to the Belpaese.

In the pic below, Justin Trudeau with Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago; behind them, circled in red, a young man appears to be playing “peekaboo” (photo from Twitter X – @DaveMcCormickPA)

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