TORONTO – As if on cue, “strategists” at Justin Trudeau’s [Liberal] Party leaked a story to the Toronto Sun outlining a concerted effort by the former and current chiefs of staff in the PMO (Gerry Butts and Katie Telford) to “strongarm” caucus members into joining the ‘Mark Carney Machine’. They recruited a vice-President of Rogers Communications, former Industry Minister Navdeep Bains, a prince in all but name of the activist World Sikh Organization to aid in the persuasion.
Whether the trio will be successful in their quest is almost beside the point. Should they succeed, it would be the first time in living memory that a non-elected member of the public would become Prime Minister and not be eligible to take a seat in the House of Commons. A trifling constitutional matter for Gerry, Katie and Nav whose actions, if true, suggest they have have decided that this is an inconsequential criterion. Besides, as they see it, there are apparently no elected MPs from the current crop capable of filling the role. They may be correct – there are only 158 bodies (MPs, less those who have indicated they are not reoffering) to go’round.
Mr. Carney has not said yea or nay, but the idea is to create an air of unstoppability, of inevitability around his persona so that to do anything else would be to run counter to the Nation’s interest. I think we have seen this movie before.
Just in case, in a moment of faiblesse, you might consider seeking the post, here are some challenges the Party posted, on Thursday, January 9, for all to see and meet before it decides who would be a “worthy replacement” to the [non] incumbent. What emerges is a surreptitious plan to discourage any pretenders to the leadership, so that there can be a smooth transition from Trudeau’s Party to Carney’s Party. it is the only logical conclusion to draw from the timetable that allows for a sixty- day “contest”. On March 9, 2025, a victor will be announced – Carney or no Carney – 54 days from today.
Just so everyone understands, the Party will only publicize the rules of the game 27 days before the 9th of March when it is obliged to “publicly post the registration procedures for a leadership vote”, and not before. Seems like that “drop dead date” is February 8th – three weeks from now, not before. However, only those potential Liberals who registered before January 27 will be able to participate/vote. They have to prove they are older than fourteen, be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. How many are there now?
That list – if one exists – will be available to declared candidates on or about February 8, provided said candidates register by January 23, and place a deposit of $350,000. The challenge is therefore twofold: come up with $350,000 that can pass the Elections Canada “smell test” and recruit enough members in the next ten days who will provide the base for a campaign.
Perhaps Butts and Telford can appropriate the credit for the “many successes of the Trudeau era” but only Bains can guarantee the numbers of bodies for the vote. Through his immediate family’s control of the World Sikh Organization and its influence on the Gurdwaras around the country (twenty five in Ontario alone), he presents a ready-made infrastructure to defeat all comers: his “team” is in a position to ensure that the other eligibility criteria are met by “members”. Given the stresses of time, money and network required, the safe bet is that not many, if any, contenders will emerge. But that is the plan.
Since penning Monday’s Requiem (part 1), reputedly interested [ministers and personalities] Domenic Leblanc, Melanie Jolie, Anita Anand, Steve MacKinnon have definitively dropped out of the race they never entered. Minister François-Philippe Champagne is prevaricating and former BC Premier Christie Clark is imploding. Former Minister Freeland is keeping her own counsel. Two others have so far escaped scrutiny.
As to Mr. Carney… what happens if he demurs, yet again?
In the pic above, Navdeep Bains and Justin Trudeau (photo from Twitter X – @NavdeepSBains)