The Comment

Political Fame: Here Today – Gone Yesterday

TORONTO – With each passing day, I become more convinced that the primary function of political systems and political aspirants is to demonstrate the folly of socio-political structures based on some ideology not even their founders understand much less care to support. Poor Joe Biden – remember him? – mere hours after his inevitable abject decision to withdraw from a race he had won (only the scheduled “medallion award ceremony” needed to take place), an army of concerned partisans and pundits descended on Media and Press to advance for their patrons.

They were all outperformed by the Vegas oddsmakers who published odds on “the head-to-head” between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. For those interested, Italy-based reported Monday morning that odds appeared to favour Trump at 1.44 while Harris stood at 3.00. Obviously the oddsmakers had already counted out any other Democratic pretenders. If so, there is a group think phenomenon settling in North America, and the USA in particular, coalescing partisan ideology.

At this point, after months of arduous and costly processes – involving the disparate campaigns of the various Republican contenders – a victor/representative of what might guide the Party’s general direction on any given position, domestically and internationally, emerged. Partisans almost immediately closed ranks to acknowledge the leadership and to sharpen their campaign against potential Democrats.

Their focus took a detour when the presumptive Democratic candidate took a pass, temporarily throwing the selection process into a tizzy. The Praetorian Guard (this is after all the country billing itself as a modern heir to the ancient Roman Republic) stepped in to calm the waters and gently ease the Delegates into a preferred camp: Kamala Harris’.

At going to press, Nancy Pelosi, the Party Matriarch, declared for Harris.

She alone has access to the monies left over in the Biden campaign treasury. Financiers who had turned off the donations-flow re-open the taps. Biden has not yet completely resigned from the candidacy (although it is a foregone conclusion) and most definitely not from the Presidency. He could have saved his Party enormous headaches and turmoil had he also resigned as President. In that event, Kamala, as she is now popularly known, would have inherited the mantel of President.

As it stands today, the Party will have to deal with the inconveniences associated with the 4,000 plus delegates, 99% of which were secured via the Biden campaign, now technically free to make decisions on their own. However, the Praetorian Guard manages the “Democratic Party Convention” and the voting process to select its Presidential Nominee is sure to generate objections – every option is fraught with difficulties.

But a solution must be effected quickly, otherwise the fallout may be fatal for them.

It may sound bizarre but the Gambling industry – “it’s all about the money” – is much more in tune with the events of the day than partisan-driven pollsters.

Also worth watching are international figures like Volodymir Zelensky and Bibi Netanyahu; both have a stake in the game. Zelensky was on a phone call with Trump the other day and Netanyahu is visiting Washington this week. Neither can afford to wait for the Democrats to work out their internal differences.

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