English Articles

Does Norm Di Pasquale have our children’s safety in mind?

TORONTO – Kandi Kisses, The Gazelle, Cute Little Fuckers’ Princette Puppypus. These are some of the names of the sex toys reviewed by the LGBT Hotline portal, a site hosted on the Toronto Catholic District School Board website. In recent days, the Catholic Board had decided to remove the link from this portal, whose stated goals are to provide support and safe spaces for members of the LGBTQ2 community. In the last 24 hours, the Catholic Board has backtracked, restoring the link. No adjustments.

A 10-11-year-old child, who browses the official website of the Catholic School Board (or any Board) in Toronto, can safely get to this web page and come across the reviews in which sex toys (Anonymous Sex Toy Review) are critiqued with prices, mode of use and contra-indications. All very interesting, for an adult.

Did the trustees examine this web page, before deciding to restore the link?

Did trustees Markus de Domenico, Maria Rizzo, and Norm Di Pasquale read the review of the Cal Exotics Hidden Pleasure Bullet sex toy, with its 10 – at least that’s what we read – different vibration modes?

Thanks to the TCDSB’s decision to restore the link, our children will also be able to do so. The editorial line of Corriere Canadese fully espouses the ethical dictates that dictate we NOT publish shocking images that could offend the public. In Monday’s edition we may be forced to put this rule aside, at least for once, to illustrate for our readers what we are talking about. And we are sure our readers will be shocked, if not disgusted.

Patience and tolerance have a limit, as evidenced by the many letters we are receiving these days. The issue is no longer one of defending rights or freedom of expression, but of good taste and, above all, of the need to protect the rights of the child. In this regard, our publisher, the Hon. Joe Volpe, had an hour-long discussion with the former Premier, Kathleen Wynne.

It is right and proper to fight for the protection of the rights of all, including the LGBTQ2 community, against all forms of discrimination and intolerance. The Corriere Canadese has always done so and will continue to do so. At the same time, however, it is unacceptable, in the name of diversity, to promote such material on a site so easily accessible to primary school children who browse the website of their school board.

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