TORONTO – Someone who bears a striking similarity to the CEO of AvranceCorp Developments, Samuel Babarinde, received a little “pushback” Wednesday night at 3100 Weston Rd., site of the Marian Shrine of Gratitude.
Mr. Samuel Babarinde, who has apparently taken up residence at the Rivermede residence, located just above the rise that hosts the Shrine, began to verbally harass and insult (in the video below) those gathered in prayer – as per custom. The devotees had reached an agreement, brokered in the presence of the police, the local Councillor (Anthony Perruzza) and the MPP Tom Racekovic, with the new owners, pending clarification of the Leasehold Rights of the City and the status of the Heritage designation of the property. The Corriere was a witness.
That “agreement” permitted devotees to conduct their services undisturbed in designated areas outside the current gates separating the Shrine from the rest of the property – which is leased by the City for the “enjoyment” of the community.
The Lease was set to expire November 30, 2024, but the [then proposed] buyers entered into negotiations to extend the Lease for a further four (4) years. It seems the City has not yet begun construction on a replacement community Centre, initially scheduled for completion in 2024.
As reported by the Corriere Canadese yesterday, on Wednesday, City Council received , debated and accepted two Motions referring the issue of Rivermede/Marian Shrine ‘s historical, cultural and environmental significance to the appropriate Boards for the Heritage designation the site may deserve.
It had been “on the list” since 2020 when an application for such designation had been submitted by a researcher Edith George. It should be noted that the site is also of significance to the Garden River First Nation of the Ojibway. One of their historical War Chiefs, Shingwaukonce (1773-1854) is reportedly buried on site.
It now seems that Mr. Babarinde was sorely put off with City Council’s deliberations and decisions. It would appear he did not have a full appreciation of the by-laws impacting on municipal properties and plans to build on them. He reacted with a torrent of verbal abuse, dissing believers and denigrating their faith… and he uprooted signs, threw them in the direction of prayerful, hurling insults and threats, according to several eyewitness.
Mr. Babarinde, who functions as the front man for AvranceCorp Developments and a numbered company #1000331725, registered a second buyer, on closing, a business corporation number #32763161, whose address is 3093 Bathurst St., Suite 665. That is a post office box at a UPS store.
City documents obtained by the Corriere, indicate that #32763161 (whose CEO, President, Secretary and treasurer is one Larry Sherman) provided $12.5 million towards the purchase of Rivermede. When contacted by the Corriere for comment, the male respondent at AvranceCorp said simply “not interested” and shut the phone.
Public agencies, like the City of Toronto, have an obligation to ascertain the sources of such monies before they engage contractually.