Letters to the Editor

“CBC, its war against Italians and that self-declared ‘journalist’…”

We received and we publish a letter from one of our readers in Italy.

PADOVA – June 2, Italian Republic Day. Please tell Joe Volpe thank you from me for his March 6 editorial (read it here) on the CBC’s hatchet job on Italy’s current prime minister and Italians in general based on the hypertyping nonsense of self-declared ‘journalist’ John W. Last…who lives 100 m from my old apartment in downtown Padua, Italy (read his article here).

John has a nasty habit of slinging nasty generalizations about my fellow Italian citizens, despite his wife being one.

I am a Canadian born journalist with Italian citizenship and found the CBC report hurtful, especially around the time Meloni and Trudeau were to meet in Northern Europe, then in Canada around Mulroney’s death.

Meloni’s ties to some nasty history was worrisome, but Joe is more than correct. She personally has kept the optics clear with her actual policies, words and legislations since she took office. That is brave behaviour that wins her attacks in camera with her assosiates, but serves her well with Italians – left, centre, right.

I look for her faults but find few legitimate beefs. I hate fascists – but, although neo-fascism is strong here, Meloni has … for now … given them some football stiff arm when it comes to actual policy.

I am fighting with the CBC daily…it is complicated…but, to make them better…I thought. Unfortunately, its management is incompetent and self-serving.

This has been a 30 year battle fought on my own.

I graduated in journalism after 25 years in engineering. But, had to recently hide my online presence due to harassment and threats from CBC staff and management over the years. Long story.

So, when Joe’s well chosen words appeared in the Corriere, I was delighted. I want to write more, but for now, thank Joe for me. He sees things the way I do…and says them as strongly as I want to.

I wish you all success,

Lauchlin Andrew Murray
Padua, Italy

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