One step closer to a new police station in Brampton

TORONTO – There is nothing more important than the health and safety of those you love. One expects the same level of values from the community in which they live. Unfortunately, not all members of society respect those values, hence the need for police services to keep communities and residents safe.

Covid-19 has presented additional challenges and risks to the health and safety of citizens. Police have no control over who the virus infects. But, they can affect the strategies designed to keep citizens safe from perpetrators of criminal acts. However, even in this case, it may prove difficult for police and the community, especially in parts of the city where there is a disproportionate underrepresentation of police presence.

To address this, Peel Regional Council passed a motion on December 10th to erect a new police station to Brampton East. The area comprises Wards 8, 9, and 10 which borders Mayfield Road to the north, Hwy 50 to the east, Steeles Ave. E. to the south and sections from Bramalea Road and Hwy 410 in the west.

Concerned residents and community organizations have been advocating for greater police presence in the area for some time.

According to a press release issued by Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown, between the years of 2014- 2018, crimes against a person have increased by 50% in the city’s east end. Within the same period, crimes against property have increased by 34 per cent.

The area houses one-third of the City’s 600 thousand residents, yet no police stations exist east of Bramalea Road. It takes approximately 23 minutes to travel nineteen kilometers from 21 Division to the northeast end of Brampton. For someone who is being victimized, seconds could seem like a lifetime.

Through the passing of this motion, the proposed east end police station is one step closer to becoming a reality. City and Regional Council officials have made it clear: the safety and well-being of all its citizens is a priority.

Mayor Brown expressed happiness that the motion passed. It is a necessary first step, he said, adding, “we hope the Police Chief will now consider it in expansion plans”.

The next phase will be for Peel Regional Police to present a plan for implementation including costs and other factors associated with the proposed Community Station.

No further details were released as to timeline or when the station would be scheduled to open. But it is a start.

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